So What's the Big Deal? - The Church
So, what’s the big deal about church?
People have grown up in a world with many different kinds of vehicles. Some people believe that Toyota is a better vehicle. Others, Honda, or Ford, or Chevrolet, or some other brand. Some people are quite zealous about their choice, while others do not give much thought one way or another.
When it comes to a person’s preference in vehicles, one choice may not be much better than another, as long as the vehicle gets you from where you are to where you need to go. But what if your life depended upon your vehicle getting you from where you are to the hospital for life-saving treatment? Would you prefer an old clunker with no wheels sitting up on cement blocks or a dependable vehicle? That puts it in a little different perspective, doesn’t it.
What about the church? Aren’t all the churches the same? Isn’t it a matter of personal preference? Why is it such a big deal?
#1 It is a matter of doctrine. In Ephesians 4:5 there is only one faith/doctrine just as there is only one Lord. Paul told Timothy to take heed to himself and to the doctrine (1 Tim. 4:16). He was to charge some that they teach no other doctrine (1 Tim. 1:3). Jude 1:3 says that Christians are to contend for the doctrine was once delivered for the saints.
#2 The divine origin of the church makes it a “big deal.” Ephesians 3:9-10 teaches that the church was part of God’s plan before the world began. This church was prophesied by Isaiah in Isaiah 2:2-3.
#3 The divine builder of the church makes it a “big deal.” Jesus said, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Mat. 16:18). Jesus is the divine builder. Is there any greater “building” Jesus could have built? A museum? A memorial? How many did Jesus build?
#4 The church is a “big deal” because of who adds a person to that church. In Acts 2:47 we read, “and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”
#5 The church is a “big deal” because of her head. Ephesians 1:22 tells us, “And He [God] put all things under His [Christ’s] feet, and gave Him [Christ] to be head over all things to the church” (brackets added, sv). Jesus is also the bridegroom of the church (Rev. 19:7).
#6 The church is a “big deal” because the church is the saved. In Acts 2:47 the saved are added to the church. In Ephesians 5:23 we read, “For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.” The body and the church are the same thing – Ephesians 1:22-23.
The Bible teaches only one church. That church began in Jerusalem in Acts 2. That same church is still in existence today—the church of Christ (Rom. 16:16).